Words are an encumbrance

Words are an encumbrance


Words are an encumbrance to thought.

When we wish for direct communication with the inner nature of things

It is the consciousness of reason that holds us back.

Thus we can only regard these outward trappings, as obstacles,

On the way to gaining a clear perception of truth.

John Audet

Check-out the John Audet Blog

Check-out the John Audet Blog.


Those of you that have been following the Bealliam Blog may be interested in seeing further examples of my work where I cover a wider range of subject matter and present things in a different format to the one on this Blog. You can log in by pressing the John Audet’s Blog on the top of this page or by johnaudet.org

I hope you find my words of benefit.

John Audet

The importance of things

The importance of things


Do the important things in your life fit into the way you want to live?

And have you set your priorities in the right order?

And what’s the result?

Do you know what you are supposed to be doing with your life?

And if you don’t know, you had better find out before it’s over

And if you do know, are you doing it?

John Audet

We are ever insensitive

We are ever insensitive


We are ever insensitive to those who love and provide for our needs

In silence and without reward,

But the time will come

When for our heartlessness and assumptions upon their loyalty,

That we shall find ourselves alone and abandoned

By these the noblest of friends.

John Audet

Today has come

Today has come

Today has come no matter what we have done

Whether we embrace its individuality


Change with the times


 Whether we resist it


Try to stay in yesterday

Nevertheless, it is so

We can either develop with it


Control our destiny

Or die in the memories of the past,

For today must be welcomed, for it is.

John Audet

The flow of my essence

The flow of my essence


 I live in the flow of my essence as it passes through me, not lingering,

Being only of this very moment.

Yesterday is gone and tomorrow will never be.

I have become as a new born child,

My mind is empty and pure, sheltering no preconceived ideas;

I see things as they are now.

Free from experience and demands not making any judgements.

Because I do not put one life before another I see virtue in all that I touch.

John Audet

You are what you do.

You are what you do.


It is not what you think you are within your intimate self that matters,

 But rather what you do with this innermost knowledge.

The sum of your life is what you do,

For your life is a self-portrait, there for the whole world to see.

Every single action and deed that you perform

Will have your unmistakable signature on it.

So make sure that you leave no empty spaces and no un-ticked boxes of wishes and aspirations.

Use every talent that you have and cloak every one of them with excellence.

John Audet

Demonstrate your affection for those you care about

Demonstrate your affection for those you care about


A kind word, a compliment, a little gift, a gentle touch,

There are

So many ways to say what is important.

If you presume

That you do not have to demonstrate your emotions

Then you are mistaken.

Express your sentiments for no reason at all

This will have true worth.

John Audet